Monday, May 17, 2010

How can you tell your child is going through the "Terrible Twos" you ask....

Well. Let me tell you.

If you wake up to an open can of Mushroom Soup in your might have a two year old.

And after that, you find your fridge has been raided by racoons......nope, you just might have a two year old.

If instead of speaking the child just hangs on your leg FOR 5 MINUTES, crying over a Sports Illustrated magazine (that he never wanted until his sister was looking at it) might have a two year old.

If he just hangs on you leg crying...for no might have a 2 year old.

If you find Play Doh smashed into your carpet, and they are hanging on your leg definitely have a two year old.

If a clothes hanger is being used as a weapon in your might have a two year old.

Or if the vacuum accessories are also being used as just plain have kids.

If you hear the same word repeated over and over again, for example; tractor, tractor, tractor, tractor, might have a two year old.

(And I can say "I see it" or "Ya", I can say ANYTHING, but only when I say "tractor" back to him will he stop.) I'm just going to spend a moment on this subject because it happens every hour and its really fun when you are trying to navigate around town or on the phone.....

That was my was yours?

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