Well, this is how I work. I write for a number of months (or weeks), go on hiatus...and then come back with a bunch of big life changes to talk about.
Since our last visit.....
We had moved to my husbands grandmothers 50 acre farm from town. Lived there for a good amount of time and we decided to get a place of our own. I think they call it the "American Dream", you know, home ownership. Whats not the American Dream? All the paperwork and waiting that goes along with it. So we found our little piece of paradise in the form of a 10 acre ranchette. We love it! So we've been busy whippin' 'er into shape. Ill try and get pics posted ASAP. (You know because I'm trying to commit to this blog again).
AAAAAANNNDD were having another baby! I'm a little late on the announcement here, considering we have only 11 weeks to go. Its a girl, and we are all thrilled!
So, there are the basics. And now you are all caught up!